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Selectmen Minutes 02/17/2009

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 17, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Department Heads present: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director; John Dever, Building Inspector ; Steve Stock, Forest Warden

Others present:  Bette Bogdan, Alan Mayville, Mike Paveglio, Todd Hammond

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm

FFW ñ Mr. Stock reported neither he nor the town has received payment for a fire bill sent to Teresa Brown.  Notice of a thirty day deadline was given and has passed.  Mr. Stock inquired of the Board what the next step would be, a lien could be placed upon the property.  The Board recommended a second letter be sent, certified mail, with a fifteen day deadline.  Failure to respond will result in follow-up from the Board.

PD - Chief Clarke commented on the recent review and consideration for consolidation of the cell phone plans currently utilized by the town.  Should the town not remain with Nextel; the police department will lose interoperability with the surrounding towns and have to go back to transmitting all information via the radio and dispatch which could result in higher costs as dispatch services are calculated by usage.  This may hurt the town in the long run and not save us anything at all.  Patrick suggested this topic be put before the Suncook Valley Regional Committee for discussion of a regional cell phone provider that may be able to reduce costs to the towns if guaranteed a five town commitment.  This generated much discussion and discontent as did the proposal of drafting a cell phone policy restricting use of the phones to business use only or claiming the personal use on the employeesW-2 reporting as an additional benefit as required by the IRS, from fellow department heads who do not wish to switch from Verizon, stating they would no longer want to carry town cell phones.  Chairman DeBold cautioned the Department Heads not to panic and overreact, that the Selectmen and Town Administrator are only studying the options to try and save the town money by looking at an overall global plan of shared minutes.  Chairman DeBold assured that before any final decision is made the Department Heads would be consulted for their input.   

EMD ñ Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

HYW- Mr. Kenneally informed the Board that it may be time to post the roads for weight limits to prevent unreasonable damage or extraordinary maintenance or expense.  Chairman DeBold motioned to accept the recommendation of the Road Agent and post the roads for weight limits per RSA 231:191.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion passes.

Mr. Kenneally informed the Board that he would need to purchase additional winter sand.  The quality of the sand awarded per bid this year is very fine and the department is using twice as much on the roads to reach the desired traction.  Mr. Kenneally would like to return to the former vendor for winter sand. The town went with the cheapest bid and that didnít work well.  DeCato is not the next cheapest but if the highway department hauls it ourselves it might come out to be a wash.   Chairman DeBold discussed the bidding process that took place to purchase the winter sand and expressed his opinion to select the next lowest bidder to obtain additional sand.  Chairman DeBold reported on discussions with several area
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BOS minutes
February 17, 2009  

towns that had purchased the same product we had with no adverse comments as to its use or effect on their roads.  

This led to a back and forth discussion as to the quality and comparison of the sand used this year versus the product used in previous years and that the Road Agent prefers the coarser sand obtained from DeCato at a higher price.  It is Mr. Kenneallyís opinion that that is a superior product and stated that the department uses less with that product because that product does a better job. The crew has been using a lot more salt this year due to no traction from the sand, the State will tell you itís cheaper to use salt than sand.  Mr. Kenneally stated it is his opinion that DeCato sand is better than State specs.  Selectman Jordan stated the savings in trucking will offset the difference in price and he agreed with Davidís opinion of the sand.  Selectman MacCleery agreed that DeCato was closer but disagreed with hauling over the town roads which have just been posted; he was in agreement if the sand could be hauled prior to posting.  Selectman MacCleery suggested Mr. Kenneally go look at the sand at the Pembroke Pit and if it was not up to State specs, that we request the better product at the same quoted price for the inferior product we were sold should that be the case.  Selectman Jordan stated the Road Agent should not have to go and bicker with the vendor. Selectman MacCleery stated the vendor would want to make good on an unhappy customer, to give the vendor the benefit of the doubt and allow him to make good on his product, if we donít get anywhere, then go to DeCato.  Selectman MacCleery also suggested that a small amount be hauled and tracked as to performance.  The majority of the Board decided to allow Mr. Kenneally to purchase additional sand from DeCato only if he could not discuss the problem with Pembroke Sand & Gravel and be assured that the town was not sold material different than what was represented. Chairman DeBold was not in favor due to the bid process not being followed.  It was the Chairmanís opinion to stay with the next lowest bidder on the list and switch to someone else next year.

Selectman MacCleery asked for clarification of an invoice for repair to the blazer.  Mr. Kenneally stated the $600 cost represented $50 per hour timeís two men.  All the wiring was removed and replaced to its original state.  

Selectman Jordan commented on the great job removing the ice hazard on Bailey Road and made the suggestion that additional reflectors or sawhorses would better identify the area prior to coming upon it.

BI- Mr. Dever reported he is getting settled in.  He has performed half a dozen inspections to date and is familiarizing himself with the active permits.  Selectmen MacCleery mentioned the commercial occupancy permit in the drafting stages at the time of Mr. Paveglioís passing.  Chairman DeBold had been working on some edits and will pass along his edits to Mr. Dever.

FD - The cables let go on the center overhead bay door, they have been repaired.    There is ice damage again from the roof leaking around the broken furnace unit.  The copy machine was ruined, it is not clear at this time whether there is insurance on the leased unit or whether the townís property liability insurance will cover the loss.  A preliminary quote of $2800 has been obtained.  The Chief stated it is his opinion that by summer; something will have to be done about replacing the shingles on the roof.   


Todd Hammond, president of the Chichester Youth Association, presented the Selectmen with a check for the CYAís portion of the cost of the repairs to the log cabin storage shed located at Carpenter Park.

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February 17, 2009

The Board made a final review of the 2009 warrant and discussed the wording change on article 21, stonewalls as a non-binding referendum.  The Selectmen signed the official warrant and the MS-6 town meeting documents.    

In light of the proposal from the Historical society for a Heritage Commission, Selectman MacCleery asked his fellow board members for support of proposing an Agricultural Commission.  It was felt this to be too late for this year, but prudent for discussion next year during the Master Plan Steering Committee meetings.   

The Board accepted the donation of a Nikkon Digital Camera from Fred Shaw and expressed their thanks for his generosity.  A thank you letter will be written.

The Board reviewed correspondence from the owners of Z-1 Express stating the shields have been installed and they would like the Selectmen to confirm that the lights now comply with the ordinance.
Board members DeBold and Jordan stated they have made notice of the shielded canopy and agreed that the lighting now conforms to the zoning ordinance.  Lisa was directed to send a letter of compliance.

The Board accepted with regret, Jamie Pikeís resignation from the CIP Committee and the Rte 4 Study committee.  The Board went on record thanking Mr. Pike for all his hard work and participation while serving on these committees.  

The Board received a lighting compliant on Weathervane Seafood Restaurant.  Chairman DeBold will investigate.
Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:12PM.  

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                                    Approved As Corrected
Administrator                                                                           2/24/2009

______________________           _______________________                _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery                     Jeffrey Jordan